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September 2017
February to August 2017
These months have flown very quickly! We did a 3 months language course in Italian. It started in April and finished in July 2017. We raised 120. Thank you for all of your support. The summer is now over and we a thinking of more creative ways to raise funds for Years 2 Soar. 
January 2017
Happy New Year everyone!!!
November to December 2016
Thank you for your continued support. We are still aiming to raise funds for Years 2 Soar, to support the causes we care about.
February to October 2016
During the months of February to June 2016 we raised funds for Years 2 Soar by doing sponsored Portuguese learning. We raised £120!!!! Thanks to everyone who sponsored those who took part in the Portuguese sponsored learning. There were also two presentations done in Jamaica, West Indies, in June 2016. A cheque was given to Victor Wright Early Childhood Institution to assist with their kitchen project. A cheque was also given to Belcarries Early Childhood Insitution to assist with their kitchen and bathroom project.
In August 2016, Jamaica did very well in the Rio Olympics in Athletics and other sports. Well dome Jamaica!!! 
During the month of September 2016, students around the world are starting a new school term and now we have started the new month of October (2016).
January 2016
Happy New Year everyone! We will be doing a three (3) months language learning between 1st February to 1st May 2016. We will be learning Portuguese. For more information email us on
Updates will be on our Facebook and Twitter pages.
September to December 2015
Thank you for your continued support. We have raised 300pounds for this year. We aim to raise more funds for good causes in 2016. Happy Christmas and New Year to you all when it arrives!
August 2015
Thank you for all those who participated. The winners from the raffle draws were notfied individually (towards the end of July 2015) . Visit our Facebook page to see a few of our winners.
July 2015
Thank you all for your continued support. We will be be doing rafflle sales for participants to have a chance to win our great prizes.
June 2015
Regrettably, the quiz night has been cancelled and will be postponed to a later date.
The sponsored walk will still go ahead to raise funds for Years 2 Soar and Waveney Community Care Farm on Sunday 28th June 2015 at 9am in Lowestoft, UK.
May 2015
Years 2 Soar and Waveney Community Farm have teamed up to raise funds for good causes. The first one is a quiz night (19 June 2015) and the seond event will be the sponsored walk (Sunday 28th June 2015). Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more info.
Years 2 Soar
March 2015
Please follow us on Facebook and Twitter for updates.
Years 2 Soar
February 2015
More events are being planned for this year. Watch this space. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more info.
January 2015
Happy New Year! To everyone!
From Years 2 Soar.
December 2014
This month we have received another donation of £64 which has made our total raised funds for this year to be £300. There will be two presentations made in Clarendon, Jamaica t o a church and to a school just before Christmas this year (we will be giving away things!).
To find out more follow us on and
Thank you for your continued support and we hope that year 2015 will be a year of conquering more milestones together.
Years 2 Soar would also like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year when it comes.
From: Years 2 Soar
November 2014
This month we received a generous donation to Years 2 Soar.
October 2014
This month more collections were received from the three sponsored events.
September 2014
This month we continued to collect for the three sponsored events that took place earlier this year.
August 2014
6th of August 2014
Happy 52nd Independence Jamaica.
July 2014
This month we completed the 30 book sponsored Readathon on the 1st of July, 2014.
We have collected £236 pounds for the three sponsored events! Well done everyone!
June 2014
29th of June 2014
We completed a 5 mile sponsored walk in 1hour and 40 minutes! It was fun.
10th June 2014
Dear all,
we have now collected in total £68 pounds for the sponsored three months Spanish learning. We still have more to collect. We will keep you updated of the figures as more collections have been received. The three months sponsored Redathon is going well.
And please remember we will be having our sponsored walk for Years 2 Soar on the 29th of June in Suffolk, UK on the 29th of June 2014. If you would like more information plesase email us at For updates on the Readathons and other important information follow us on and .
Once again we would like to thank everyone for their continued support.
From Years 2 Soar
May 2014
11th of May 2014
Happy Mother's Day to all the mother's! We hope that this day will be a wonderful day for you all.
On the 1st of May 2014 the 3 months sponsored Spanish learning course came to an end. We still have a few that are learning Spanish and will be completed early June 2014. We are now starting to collect from our sponsors. We have currently collected ₤28 pounds. We still have more to collect. We will update you with our figures as more collections have been received.
Our 3 months sponsored Readathon is going well. We have now read 10 books! For updates follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
From Years 2 Soar
April 2014
17th of April 2014
Dear Friend,
we are almost coming to the end of the sponsored Spanish learning and, we have started the 3 months 30 books sponsored readathon on April 1, 2014. This month is going to be eventful. For updates follow us on and
Years 2 Soar would also like to wish you all a Happy Easter when it comes.
Years 2 Soar
March 2014
Dear friend,
we are pleased to say that the Spanish learning in three (3) months is going on well. For updates please follow us on and
Years 2 Soar
February 2014
23rd of February 2014
Dear friend,
we are aiming to raise funds for Years 2 Soar through sponsorship in the following ways this year:
- To learn a foreign language (Spanish) in three months! (Feb 1, 2013- May 1, 2013)
- To read 30 novels in three months (April 1, 2013- July 1, 2013)
- and, to do a sponsored walk (Sunday, June 29, 2013, more details will be given at a later date.)
We would be grateful if you could help us to achieve the yearly target of ₤1,000 pounds for the ongoing good cause.
Kind regards,
The Years 2 Soar Team.
14th of February, 2014
Happy Valentines Day everyone!
From Years 2 Soar.
January 2014
1st January 2014
Dear friend,
Happy New Year from Years 2 Soar. May 2014 be a year of happiness, good health and success.
Thank you all for your support over the year of 2013. With your help we have raised ₤140.83 between April and December 2013 . We hope that in 2014 with your continued support that we will be able to raise more for this good cause. Remember to let others know about Years 2 Soar.
Best wishes,
Years 2 Soar
December 2013
24th December 2013
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you from Years 2 Soar.
Enjoy the festive season.
7th of December 2013
We are still far away from our annual target, we would be grateful for any donations and assitance that you can provide.
Years 2 Soar and the rest of the world is made aware of the passing of Nelson Mandela on Thursday 5th of December 2013. Nelson Mandela a man admired by the world for his unshakable courage, fight for peace and equality will be missed globally.
Condolences to his family for their loss. May his work for freedom, peace and equality continue to live on in South Africa and to be transmitted to the whole world.
Years to Soar sympathises for the persons affected by the storm and flooding on the East coasts of East Anglia, UK (5th of December 2013).
November 2013
Years 2 Soar is still attempting to meet the annual target.
Octobher 2013
Thanks and appreciation goes out to a Higher Education Institution in Kingston, members of the NHS Team, Teachers in Suffolk, churches and members of the public. Years 2 Soar appreciate what you have been doing.
September 2013
Dear friend,
Years 2 Soar is aiming to raise £1,000 pounds by the 31st of December 2013 for the needy families of Jamaica. We need your help. We would be grateful for your donations. This is an ongoing project (yearly) and we aim to meet this minimum target annually. Thank you for your support and we would be grateful for you to continue your support with us. When there is unity a lot of things can be accomplished.
Years 2 Soar
August 2013
6th of August 2013
Happy 51st Independence Jamaica!
July 2013
We are now on Facebook, Twitter and
June 2013
The sponsored walk on the 30th of June 2013 was good. There was only a few of us but we got attention on the way to Tower Ramparts, Suffolk, and after the sponsored walk, when we walked around the town. The day was very sunny and nice too. We started at 9am and finished at 9.53am. It took us a total of 53 minutes to reach Tower Ramparts.
We are also on!
There will be a sponsored walk on Sunday 30th of June 2013 in Suffolk, UK to help raise funds for Years 2 Soar. It will be starting at 9am. If you would like to join us and to get more info please email
May, 2013
Dear friend,
for the month of April 2013, Years 2 Soar has been starting fundraising campaigns to raise money for needy families in communities of Jamaica.
Schools, Higher Education Institutions and members of the NHS have volunteered to help raise funds for this society.
Many thanks goes out to you for your marvellous work from Years 2 Soar.
There will be a sponsered walk in the UK some time this year and more details will be added at a later date.
We are also on Facebook too!
Years 2 Soar © copyright 2012-2017